Saturday, September 4, 2010

Distance makes the heart grow fonder!

Oh ....How I have missed you guys! I had a wonderful time at the beach with my family, was so excited to come back all refreshed and well,  that was the plan! I planned on visiting with you everyday. I also planned on getting alot of new projects knocked off my list. Unknown forces thought this was just not very exciting! Instead I dealt with a broken fridge, a broken washer, non-stop phone calls to arrange repairs, countless hours waiting for repair companies, daily trips to buy ice, orthodontist appts for repairs  and I watched 5 extra kids too ( Ok that last one I had planned the whole time).
So that was my week in a nutshell. I still have laundry to do, I still have 3 coolers filled with ice to salvage some of my perishables,  I still have 3 kids to watch ( their mine, figured I will keep them) and I still have a ton of projects that have not been done. That is life though and I am just thankful tonight that I was not so exhausted from my day that I could share my week with you!  Cya tomorrow and I know I will have something to share because I actually did craft today but I misplaced the camera cord..............

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